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Free & Fit NYC Update from Leader Tim Cheux

Summer Days are approaching the end and Autumn is upon us. As the leaves 🍃 fall and the nights become shorter our layers and accessories grow in number. Fall or Autumn 2017 is here and it represents a season of much joy and life as school and educational families alike gather momentum at the start of the academic year. This academic year for me brings new opportunities in coaching and ministry as Liza and I continue our pursuit of settling in the New York City metro area. I have been interviewing and discerning through different opportunities and waiting. If like me you are the praying type, you know this can be a difficult and challenging time. At the beginning of the summer Liza and I continued our ministry Free and Fit meeting at the new venue of the Time Warner Centre, 10 Columbus Circle where we have changing facilities and lockers. 

September Free & Fit NYC 2017

This enables us on an evening to attend sessions without worrying where to put our belongings. During the summer months we also had some more fun events where we had pizza and watched musical improv comedy. 

Nine months of Free & Fit NYC

As a group we now have 20 active members and continue to meet every month in New York City. We have been meeting for 9 months and continue to plan for the future with our new Sports Alpha course starting next month in partnership with Trinity Grace Chelsea we look forward to 30-45 minute sports sessions on the Highline in Chelsea with food, discussion and videos on some of life's really big questions. Interested? Join us from 10/16 email 

In addition to all our events I have been busy coaching soccer at Columbia Prepatory and Grammar School, supervising Elementary School extra-curricular sports at Friends Seminary and coaching soccer in Jersey on the weekends.  

Soccer Coaching at Heritage Park, NJ.

This month represents our 10 month and 10th topic for the Free and Fit Challenge 2017. We will be looking at Freedom in Education this month. The Free & Fit Challenge 2017 has been created to help individuals and groups, of all ages and abilities, to find freedom in a specific issue they are struggling with through sport and scirpture. Using the bible as a foundation, each document explores a specific topic through reading five verses, whilst exercising and then discussing five questions to help improve mental, social, physical and spiritual health and fitness. To access the sample resources of the course, click on the link below, select a topic from the links on the page, open the PDF document and follow the instructions provided!  

Free & Fit Challenge 2017

More detailed blog versions are included on the Free and & Fit Blog section of this website. Plus full Resources will be released in January 2018. Link below: Free & Fit Website Finally, I had the huge privilege of being interviewed on Christian Premier Radio on September 1st Friday 2017 at 8:00am UK time. I was representing Faith and Fitness and Free & Fit as the founder and was interviewed about the concept of taking part in sports whilst studying scripture.

Tweet from Premier Radio

To listen to the full interview click on the link below from Christian Premier Radio and tune into Tim's full interview at 1:08:55  

Also, you can find the video on our new You Tube channel which can be found as Free and Fit NYC or in the link below: 

Looking forward to soon revealing more news as we pray and discern about our next steps. It would be so good to hear from you all please do feel free, it would be our honor, to include you in our prayers. Thinking of you and praying for you in these interesting and challenging times. Love and blessings Tim Cheux Follow Free and Fit NYC on Instagram and Twitter as @freeandfitnyc or email 

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Telephone: +1-201-774-4133

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