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Free & Fit NYC - Remember to Reflect - Refelction on Laurence Freemans Balance, Integration and

Free & Fit NYC - Remember to Reflect - Refelction on Laurence Freemans Balance, Integration and Spirituality 

Reflection on the Practice of Meditation and the importance of Balance, Integration and Spirituality by Laurence Freeman Further to my observation of the video of the Benedict Monk Laurence Freeman I was more aware of my need to re-incorporate Meditation and my own unique practice of meditation into my life. We are all different made in the image of Christ, reflecting his image individually and collectively as the body of Christ. Freeman enabled me, through this short video clip, to re-engage with my spiritual self. To re-identify with Christ in the midst of what was going on around me. Whilst I write this reflection to you today, I am sat like many thousands of undergraduate and postgraduate students in America. A late-night Starbucks coffee shop writing a paper for my upcoming class late at night. The days of late night, late submissions for most 30 somethings is over, but at general I find myself amongst 50 and 60 somethings who are just as "playful" and "creative" with their schedule and pending deadlines. In fact, there are various different conversations happening simultaneously through different languages, modes of communication and technology as I write. I am sure there are even some individuals here who are writing a novel for which they hope will launch a successful book writing career. However, we all crave one thing. A sense of peace, balance and integration which Freeman brings to our attention. The difference between meditating regularly and meditating occasionally is immeasurable. Indeed, the routine, religious and spiritual meditation groups that meet regularly create community, identity and self-awareness for its members, people and environments where they live, breath and have their being. Freeman reminds us that meditation cannot be successful without intent. We must plan, prepare and provide ourselves with the opportunity to intentionally build meditation time within our schedule. It is not like a short-term fix. Meditation takes extensive practice, time and space to be able to successfully implement change in our mental state. It must be completed in a state of comfort, safety and relaxation. Without the ability to contemplate, be still and to be consciously aware of the balance of our own spirituality we will struggle and thus suffer, similar to our secular brothers and sisters, from short term fixes and ultimately experience a less than ordinary meditative state. Fundamentally, we must work hard to find our inner peace, create a routine to build this meditative environment and then build it into our schedule during our prayer time, at the beginning and at the end of our every-day lives. For me personally having, just completed the training, preparation and practice of marathon training for twenty-six miles, I realised that my meditation was missing. My peace, my stillness and my spirituality have suffered due to the absence of my religious spirituality practices of workout and worship. I need to get back to this and I am excited to plan to write a 30 day plan not just for Advent or Lent, but for every month in the year so that I can create a deeper meditative practice. Not just for thirty days, but for my every day. This must begin today, and I plan to re-establish my comfort, faith and spirituality through sport, scripture and meditation. This practice, on reflection, is the biggest absence in my life during ordinary time and I now recognise this has helped me to relaise the current loss and absence of peace in that is present in my life right now. Check out the veideo here: 

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