Free & Fit - The Gospel of John - Lenten Daily Decisions & Devotions
Free & Fit - The Gospel of John - Lenten Daily Decisions & Devotions

Today’s word is Light!
Today’s move is Plank & Push Up 28!
Today’s Chapter is John 8!
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12 NIV
Todays Reflection:
Today’s Workout & Worship is focused on core movements at 3 x 27. Please use caution and build your own workout routine based on your bodies best formation:
Jumping Jaks
Leg Circles
Quad Cross Stretch
Leg Bicycles
Leg Calf Stretch
Jaks & Kareokes
Push Ups
Plank & Side Plank
Todays Verse:
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to spend time with the Disciples? What it would have been like to be in the Upper Room and travelling from town to town Preaching the Gospel? We can always look back and give thanks for their mighty sacrifice to give their lives for Jesus Christ as most suffered a similar death to Jesus except of course for John the Baptist of course who was beheaded. All the Disciples suffered a fate probably worse than our own. How can we then truly live out our Christian faith today and how can we learn from the Disciples sacrifice in our modern day context.
As we look through the Bible, New Testament and the constant characters who theme as Disciples are Peter and Paul who both have different characteristics, leadership styles and perspectives on how to Preach the Gospel. However, they saught to bring righteousness, revelation and truth to many who they encountered, encouraged and witness through multiple ways including healing, miracles and teaching on the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Perhaps we may not all feel as confident and as qualified as the Disciples. Perhaps we are not called to Preach the Gospel from the rooftops, on horseback or via social media. However, we can proclaim the Gospel through acts of kindness, generosity and starkly in contrast to offer love instead of how the world values us and to live different as Christians who do not follow the ways of the world. Our lifestyles and decision making can also interrupt people, to help them take notice and recognize how the inner works of Christ inside of us mark us to be different to an ordinary non-religious person. It’s not necessary that we know better it’s more that we know the one who is better, who is perfect and we seek to share Christ with everyone we meet. Let us today, and everyday, declare the name of Jesus above all others. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen
Let us Pray…
Father convict us today help us to follow you the Christ. To pick up our Cross and to follow Jesus. Help us to be sensitive to your Holy Spirit to know when to speak to others, when to share our faith and when to step out in faith and declare why we follow you. Help us to do it with confidence, excellence and good judgement to proclaim the Lords name. We thank you, we praise you and we love you in Jesus name. Amen
“For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes]. [Is 40:13]”
1 Corinthians 2:16 AMP
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